The goal this week was: 3 yoga classes, 3 5k runs, 1 additional workout class.. I didn't quite hit it.

Sky Ting Yoga.jpg

Friday - Happy Friday! I slept in today knowing that I was going to take a boxing class with my friend Sam after work. Boxing was one of the first workout classes I fell in love with last year, but I somehow fell off the wagon and stopped going entirely. It's one of those classes where you're scared to death walking into, feel as if you're dying during, then feel like you're on top of the world after. It's such a good full body workout and I cannot wait to go back again (hopefully this week!) 

Saturday/ Sunday - A (forced) rest weekend as I spent it with Kat and Laura in the Catskills and it was so nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Read more on our trip here!

Monday - I woke up this morning at 5am then decided I was skipping my 5k run (oops) and instead just going to a 7am yoga class. That extra hour of sleep was so nice as I was pretty exhausted from a day of driving yesterday—it's been years since I drove, and spending hours on the road is tiring. This morning's class was such a great way to get my body moving again—it's only been two days but I felt the difference in my body. My hamstrings felt so good after today's class. 

Tuesday - Rest day! I went to bed late last night—well late for me. Anything past midnight and I will probably miss my morning workout. And that's exactly what happened, ugh. I went to bed around 12:30 and of course decided to sleep in until 7am. Damn did it feel good :) 

Edit - I actually went boxing again last night! It hurts so good.

Wednesday - I woke up at 5 this morning and debated going for a run until I realized how sore I was. So I went back to sleep for an extra hour and made to it yoga, and it was tough. My arms were jello from last night's boxing class so the class was a struggle, but so glad I went! 

Thursday - Rest day! This morning was spent having breakfast at Felice 15 Gold—they just recently started serving breakfast so they kindly invited me in to try it out. Let's just say we finished 4 plates between 2 people. So full, so happy :)

Friday - Skipped my 5k again this morning, instead went straight to yoga. Guys, my body is still so sore from my two boxing classes in the last 7 days. #help

I have 2 classes back-to-back tomorrow—first yoga then boxing. Then on Sunday, I'll be taking an evening yoga class with Kat. Will keep you posted on how I do this week! x