Happy Friday! This is my first check-in with the three week yoga challenge that my roommate and I committed to. Meaning yoga every other day on top of our current workout regime—it sounds like a lot, but it's not, I promise. :) 

Saturday: Nothing like kicking off the weekend with hot yoga. I went to Sweat Yoga with my friend Sam this morning and it was all sorts of amazing. I haven't taken a hot yoga class in years and it felt so good to be back. Maybe it'll be a regular Saturday morning activity :)

Sunday: Rest day, also Super Bowl Sunday! I'm from Philly, so tonight was huge. All I will say is that there was nothing healthy about today and there were lots of wings + chips + rice krispy treats involved... and it was glorious. 

Sky Ting.jpg

Monday: I did not wake up for my planned 7am yoga session. (Yes, I know.. I'm starting off the "challenge" real strong. Oops) My phone went off with a text from my roommate that read "I'm so tired" — my immediate reply was "evening yoga?" I rolled over and went straight back to bed. I'll blame it on the Super Bowl (yay Eagles!) & it being Monday morning...it was tough getting up. But getting in those few hours hours of sleep was pure gold. We took a 6:30pm class, and I will likely never again take another evening class again (at least during peak times). The room was completely packed—mats 6 inches away from each other, side to side and top to bottom. But now I know, and will have to force myself to wake up early :)

Tuesday: We did it! Kat and I woke up for our 7am flow this morning and our friend Sam join as well. I actually woke up at 5:05am and went for a 5k run before heading to yoga. It felt so nice to run after a 3 week break (thanks to vacation + getting sick). Then I hurried off to yoga as the studio was about a 15 minute walk from my gym. And alas, morning classes are the best because people love to sleep :) There was maybe 7 or 8 of us and it was perfect. It was a much needed stretch after my run.

Side note: I was ravenous this morning. But didn't have time to get breakfast, so when I got to the office I knew I had instant oats (or at least I thought they were instant oats). I added water + microwaved as instructed but it looked like cookie dough or some sort of batter. Confused, I took a bite and left it at my desk to run into a meeting. And when I got back my spoon was one with the batter. I read the label to see it say "flapjacks on-the-go". I didn't get it and ended up tossing it. I was confused + hungry and told myself, just two more meetings until lunch. THANK GOD.

Wednesday: Rest day! I took off today and instead of a morning workout, I was able to squeeze in a quick breakfast date/ shot content with Kat—yes, we do a lot together. 

Thursday: This morning was another day of back-to-back workouts. I woke up at 5:05am and went for a 5k run then headed straight to my yoga class at Sky Ting. I've really been loving this combination of fasted cardio + yoga. The only downside is that my gym is a 15 min walk from my apartment and my yoga studio is another 15 mins from my gym, so I spend a good amount of time walking from one gym to the next. 

Friday: I initially planned on a 6am workout class at Exceed, but yesterday was such a long day. I had to cover a work event until about 11pm so I was drained by the time I got home. Instead I plan on taking a boxing class tonight. Will keep you posted next week if I go or not :) 

Next week's goals: 3 yoga classes, 3 5k runs, 1 additional workout class

Have a great weekend everyone! I'm headed to the Catskills for a quick 48 hour trip with two friends, Kat & Laura :)